NEW ADDITION: The Price Is Right For Sporting

Bromsgrove Sporting are pleased to announce the signing of goalkeeper Charlie Price.

Charlie was most recently the number one at fellow Southern League Premier Central side Stourbridge, where he had spent six years.

On joining Sporting, Charlie commented: “I met with the gaffer yesterday and it was brilliant to feel wanted. He explained the plan and it’s clear to see the size and potential of the club.

“I’ve had some fantastic times at Stourbridge and I hope to have the same here. The club is buzzing and I can’t wait to get started.”

We can also announce the departure of goalkeeper Ollie Taylor, which manager Paul Smith has explained.

“Ollie has made me aware over the weekend that, although he had signed the contract offer to remain with us, he would now like to keep his options open. 

“I have no problem with that but, ultimately, I only want players here that want to be here, and if Ollie is having doubts, I’m glad he has told me now.

“On the back of that, I withdrew the contract offer, and hold no ill feelings to Ollie at all. He has been brilliant for the club – I thank him for his efforts and wish him well going forward.”

On the arrival of Charlie, Paul commented: “On the back of Ollie’s departure, it was imperative that I worked quickly to secure a new number one. In my opinion, it’s the most important position, and one I wasn’t willing to wait on. 

“Ollie’s shoes are big ones to fill, so I’m absolutely delighted to have been able to secure my first choice in big Charlie Price. 

“He’s a fantastic goal keeper, with a huge personality that will help the youngsters we are bringing in.

“He has been top drawer at this level for Stourbridge for a number of years. 

“I’m a firm believer of everything happening for a reason and I think signing Charlie as our new number one is a big acquisition for us.”

We hope you will join us in both welcoming Charlie to the Victoria Ground and thanking Ollie for his stellar efforts in a Sporting shirt.

NOTE: Players can only be officially signed from July 1st onwards, so currently we can only say that terms have been agreed.

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