Bromsgrove Sporting are pleased to announce that the 178 Comedy Club is a proud new sponsor at the club.
They have snapped up a package which will see them sponsor the January Goal of the Month competition, have an advertising board and a programme advert.
The comedy club is based in the Park Gate Inn, on Bromsgrove’s Kidderminster Road, and has a fantastic programme of events.
As part of the January Goal of the Month competition sponsorship, the 178 Comedy Club are giving away two pairs of two free tickets to their night on 29th February – one to the winning player and one to a fan who either comments on the poll with the goal they chose or sends an email to with the goal they chose.
Date Night? Mate Night? Fancy a February laugh? Then get involved with this competition! Keep your eyes out for the poll at the start of February to vote for your favourite January goal!
Want to secure your ticket now? 178 have also invited fans and players along to this event – you can book tickets at a fantastic 30% discount using the code SPORTING30.
Get your tickets here –
178 are looking forward to seeing Sporting fans at their events, supporting a great local business!