Following a request from the Southern League, Bromsgrove Sporting have supported the proposal that Steps 3 and 4 continue the current pause in the season with a regular review in the light of changes to the current tiers and/or grants becoming available.
A substantial number of clubs playing at Steps 3 and 4 have supported this pause.
Playing league matches for Sporting would at the best be difficult with players and fans in different tiers. In addition apart from gate money, there would be no income as Government rules prevent the selling of food and drink from bars and kiosks even if it is consumed outdoors.
There is to be a review of tiers and other regulations on 16th December and depending on the outcome, we will look at playing friendly matches at some point over the festive period if there has been no recommencement of league matches.
With the situation in a constant flux, we will attempt to keep fans as up to date as possible as and when there is anything to report.